Hi everybody, it’s Cannes time and here are the talents of Das Imperium talent agency who will attend the festival plus some extra news below…
VANESSA GUIDE this great upcoming young talent is every week, from Monday to Thursday on canal +, the famous french channel, in a short funny program, during “Le Grand Journal” info, interview. In Cannes she’ll also have a sketch for the show…fake journalists talking about news that they’re making fun of. It’s called “Le rappel des titres”. She also stars for LA BIFLE/ DICKSLAP directed by Jean-Baptiste Saurel and has her own band “Burning latex”.

FRANC BRUNEAU, recently in cinemas with N’IMPORTE QUI directed by Raphael Frydman and GOAL OF THE DEAD, directed by Thierry Poiraud & Benjamin Rocher…

RAPHAEL ROGER LEVY stars for BURNOUT, directed by Etienne Perrone…

DAMIEN CHAPELLE, finished his shooting for MÉTAMORPHOSES directed by Christophe Honoré, which he stars for, info…

ELIANE ITEN stars in the movie EXPOSED by Burke Heffner, in the feature film CHARLYS COMEBACK by Sören Senn and is also known for her role as Dianna in the feature film HEALING LIFE by Shahriar Rahman.

ANGELIQUE CAVALLARI now represented by Das Imperium talent agency…

KAMI MANNS now represented by Das Imperium talent agency…

DIMITRI STAPFER for LEFT FOOT, RIGHT FOOT by Germinal Roaux. Dimitri won for his perfomance the Swiss film award 2014.The movie also won the award for best camera. Have a look below for some scenes of Dimitri from the movie, Swiss cinema release May 15th…
[iframe src=”//player.vimeo.com/video/87763157″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]