THE HAPPIEST DAY OF OLLI MÄKI, directed by Juho Kuosmanen (a trailer)
ROBERT MAASER, an actor who until today is the most successful competitor in the history of sports, has won 14 world champion titles. Besides acting he works as a stunt coordinator/choreograph, martial arts artist & professional breakdancer.
This is his brand new ACTION REEL, featuring material from the last projects he starred in. Please watch below..
ROBERT MAASER 2016 (a showreel)
STEFANO CASSETTI stars in his first German comedy MARIA MAFIOSI, directed by Jule Reustedt. Please watch below the production set pictures.
MARIA MAFIOSI, directed by Jule Reustedt (production set pictures)
LEONARDO NIGRO, finished shooting for two Swiss cinema movies IL MANGIATORE DI PIETRE, directed by Nicola Bellucci and RIMETTI A NOI I NOSTRI DEBITI, directed by Antonio Morabito and for one German cinema movie, a drama ZWISCHEN DEN JAHREN directed by Lars Henning.
GOTTHARD directed by Urs Eger (a trailer and below the Interview with Silvia Busuioc)
NADJA SETTEL is now represented by das Imperium..
Nadja is an American – French model and actress, who was spotted by a casting director at the age of seven and had a little part in a French feature film. Nadja did star in the feature movies ROCK’N ROLL, directed by Guillaume Canet, NOBODY’S WATCHING, directed by Julia Solomonoff and LA PAILLASSE, directed by Jonathan Safir. Nadja shot for a short movies JE VOUS SALUE, directed by Sarah Valente, INDECISION, directed by Frances Laminat, EN DEVELOPMENT, directed by Jules Lanzaro, BLEU EYES, directed by Giorgio Nevissano, MAUSOLEUM, directed by Sebastian Echorri, NE ME QUITTE PAS directed by Rémie Mazet. Nadja Settel did star for a tv project as well – TELEVISION THE AFFAIR (Season 3).
SHOWREEL 2015 directed by Natali Blanco